Grannie’s Old Fashioned Cinnamon Toast

You Must Taste the Delicious Ooey-Gooey Center!

One taste of my grannie O’Banion’s Cinnamon Toast and I am magically transported back to my childhood days! In my humble opinion – she used to make the very best Cinnamon Toast in the whole wide world! Using only 4 simple, cupboard ingredients, she transformed slices of regular store-bought, white bread into truly delicious breakfast pastries. Her secret cooking technique was watchfully quick-broiling the toast for about 3-4 minutes, which made it crispy on the edges while maintaining the ooey-gooey center. Whenever she served me this special breakfast, she would jokingly ask if I also wanted a cup of her famous milk/coffee, which was really nothing more than “milk with a little coffee added”. I always felt so grown-up, special, and respected eating my grannie’s Cinnamon Toast and drinking her milk/coffee. In retrospect, I now understand the early origin of my caffeine addiction. Thanks grannie – well played!

Cooking was just one of my grannie’s many SUPER powers. She also loved to sew and crochet, which she gladly taught me on my annual summer visits. With her guidance, I completed my very first wearable article of clothing; a simple jumper/dress with buttons. My grannie lovingly bequeathed me her sewing machine in her will. Years later, when I was in high school, I sewed a lot of my own clothing on my grannie’s sewing machine. I found it was a lot less expensive than buying retail clothing, plus I was guaranteed to have my own original designs. Hence the creation of many memorable (if not psychedelic-patterned) pieces of clothing; including a purple, orange, and yellow, paisley, formal gown for a high school homecoming event. Yep…it was a pretty groovy gown (in a sort of peace and love way)! I still have her sewing machine at my house. It is folded down inside its own beautiful cherry wood cabinet and serves as a daily reminder of our special bond.

Grannie was also known for her simple acts of kindness and generosity. Whenever any of my siblings or cousins had the pleasure of visiting with her, she always greeted each of us with our own individual pack of Juicy Fruit or Beeman’s Black Jack (licorice) chewing gum. By today’s standards that might not seem like such a big deal, but back-in-the-day, it was an extra special treat. It was just one of her many genuine gestures, along with her delicious Cinnamon Toast and milk/coffee, that showed us how much we were truly loved.


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Grannie’s Old Fashioned Cinnamon Toast

Magically Transports Me to my Childhood Days
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time4 minutes
Total Time14 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Servings: 2


  • Metal Sheet Pan or Stoneware Pan
  • Spreader
  • Spatula


  • 4 slices Store-Bought, White Bread
  • 8 tablespoons Softened, Spreadable Butter (approximation-may need more)
  • Ground Cinnamon (generously sprinkled)
  • Sugar, Stevia, or Sugar Substitute (generously sprinkled)


  • Place 4 slices of store-bought, white bread on a metal sheet or stoneware pan
  • Generously spread approximately 2 tablespoons of softened butter on top of each of the 4 slice of white bread. Do not scrimp, cover the entire bread surface.
  • Next, generously sprinkle ground cinnamon on top of the buttered bread slices
  • Finally, generously sprinkle the sugar, Stevia, or sugar substitute on top of the cinnamon
  • Preheat the oven to its Broiler setting
  • Slide the Pan into the oven and keep the door slightly ajar. Keep a watchful eye on the broiling process. It should only take 3-4 minutes to completely cook. The butter should begin bubbling/puffing up and the bread edges should begin to brown slightly. Be sure to avoid burning the Cinnamon Toast.